Minette Lauren


My life has gone to the dogs…


For those of you who don’t know this little fella, his name is Leo. He is my Louisiana, roadside puppy that my mom bought off hwy 90 in Hammond, Louisiana over five years ago. As my friend from Spain says, he is so cute he breaks my teeth. I have six canine family members at this moment and all are super cute, but there is something about Leo that steels everyone’s heart. Maybe it is because he is a Libra, like me. He even shares my birthday, but not the same year of course. It could be his chocolate dapple color that makes him look like a little butter bean or the way he fusses indignantly at anyone, who has crunchy food, to give him a bite. He has a sliver of blue leftover on one eye, from when his baby blues turned mostly brown. Each of my furry family members have wonderful little souls that make my writing life bliss, but it’s Leo’s Leo-ish behavior that lets most of the family let him get away with being a little turkey. Who could refuse that face?

So hear we are, finally, almost ready for the release of our first book and with 8,000 Twitter followers between @ZariReede and @Minette_Lauren, and I have tweeted so many dog photos that my followers surely are expecting a coffee table book with photos of dachshunds and Boston terriers…don’t think that I haven’t thought of it, but who buys actual books anymore? It seems that the world has turned to e-readers, laptops, and disposable media. I say this because so many things are out there pinging us with free information everyday, like Twitter, FB, Snapchat and other forms of free press. Who has time to actually read a full novel? I myself spend most of my time on social media that will push the very book that I’ve spent hours, weeks, months, years trying to get to print! Do I sound like I am stressing and waiting for the end? Maybe just a little anxious…but then I look at these cute little fur babies and say, “Hey, what’s it really all about? It’s about spending time with the ones you love and fill your life with happiness, right? Well, that means I am exactly where  I want to be. Writing my stories and soaking up the Houston sun with my dogs/writing muses right by my side. The rest is just lagniappe.

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In Richard Fossey’s, The Dixie Apocalypse, it’s not one disaster that strikes, leaving humanity in peril, but a lagnappe of misfortune that leaves the United States in ruins. In the new times, Willoughby Burns, a former lawyer and professor...

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