Minette Lauren
Deanna Browne’s Unholy Sundering
This compelling story, of a world taken over by powerful magic and the ruling wizards who wield it, is appealing to readers of every genre. The fantasy feels real and the characters are driven to find freedom. While Becca is working with her friends Caleb and Damion to free her sister from a demon, they are encountered by a community that is fighting for their own freedom in a secluded compound. I loved the champions in this imaginative story that had me addicted to my kindle every time I had a free minute. The author did an amazing job of story telling, character building and letting new readers know about the fantasy without tons of backstory. Now, I will have to go and read the first part this series. Really impressed with Browne’s imagination and ability to tell a great tale.
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The Dixie Apocalypse, by Richard Fossey
In Richard Fossey’s, The Dixie Apocalypse, it’s not one disaster that strikes, leaving humanity in peril, but a lagnappe of misfortune that leaves the United States in ruins. In the new times, Willoughby Burns, a former lawyer and professor...
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