Minette Lauren


Blog Hog!


If I haven’t mentioned it before, when I am not writing alone as Minette Lauren, I am one half of Zari Reede. New to the world of social media, and very unsure of how things work in this fast-paced, technology-driven society, I created this blog and Zarireede.com, I am stepping out of my comfort zone of fiction writing and sharing real thoughts and events. Personal details about my life, that are forever out there for all the world to see… pause, while I shake in my boots. Today I had a writers meeting with Zoe Tasia, the other half of Zari Reede. Over Champagne and a light fare of halibut with salad, we hashed out what direction we would like to go next. I do not want to be a blog-hog, so I am only posting to this site today. I’m excited to see what will appear on Zari’s site from Zoe. I anxiously await… While I love sipping champagne, discussing good reads, research and what to write next, I greatly miss my Harley featured above. 1200cc’s of power and the second best stress relief I know. Rather than being a blog Hog, I would prefer to ride the curves of the Austin hill country today, but alas it’s raining, so I will forage on to other more important work.

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The Dixie Apocalypse, by Richard Fossey

In Richard Fossey’s, The Dixie Apocalypse, it’s not one disaster that strikes, leaving humanity in peril, but a lagnappe of misfortune that leaves the United States in ruins. In the new times, Willoughby Burns, a former lawyer and professor...

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