Minette Lauren


Is it our age?


Another distant family member has passed away, and I am on my way to another wedding. Do weddings and funerals just happen in pairs and is it life’s little reminder that time is short…or is it in your forties that everyone starts to get sick and die? I’ve been watching a masterpiece theater series, Any Human Heart, and it is intriguing. I love thoughtful pieces that span through generations and especially a writer’s life. It takes you from the character’s college days through decades of love, marriage, children, war, aging and death. My favorite line is, It’s all just luck in the end, all the good luck and all the bad. I might be inclined to agree. I have failed in life giving my all, and I have succeeded where I hardly tried. The important things were mostly achieved with effort, but every now and then, life throws you a winning lotto ticket. When that happens, enjoy the ride. As with all of life’s ups and downs, the time spent in them is finite. Today a wedding, tomorrow a funeral. They are all inevitable and they are all a part of life.

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The Dixie Apocalypse, by Richard Fossey

In Richard Fossey’s, The Dixie Apocalypse, it’s not one disaster that strikes, leaving humanity in peril, but a lagnappe of misfortune that leaves the United States in ruins. In the new times, Willoughby Burns, a former lawyer and professor...

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