Minette Lauren


Lots to bark about

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It’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks, especially when he is fond of the old ones. V and I are trying to work through the tedious reedit of our Romantic-Comedy-Suspense. We have put down the first edits for our Urban Fantasy, to hopefully get the first collaborated work published. We have become very fond of our characters and hate changing up the dialogue and such to show only two points of view, but we know its a necessary evil of being an author. You have to do it in a sell-able format. So when I finish this vat of chocolate and comfort Champagne, I might start working on it;)

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The Dixie Apocalypse, by Richard Fossey

In Richard Fossey’s, The Dixie Apocalypse, it’s not one disaster that strikes, leaving humanity in peril, but a lagnappe of misfortune that leaves the United States in ruins. In the new times, Willoughby Burns, a former lawyer and professor...

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