Minette Lauren


One in the hand …


I am doing a continual happy dance since last night. I received THE email from a publisher saying she would like to publish our work:) It’s been a long journey to get to this point. As I have mentioned, my first book at 23, second at 33, lots of unfinished titles in between…but V and I started writing just a little over a year ago on our first book, quickly moved on the second and finished in 8 short months. The lag of time to edit and submit had to do more with my delays, but we are back on track, and are soon to start our third novel. My favorite part is coming…the writing!

Our dilemma was to accept right away or to wait. We have had some great interest in our manuscript, and several publishers are still considering. I submitted to the particular publishing house, that made an offer, because they seem to like stories outside of the box. Romance has specific genre rules, and we broke more than a few. Women my age are tired of the virgin, love struck, only one love of a lifetime stories. They are so restricted. It’s the same story over and over. We wanted something playful, titillating, and funny. I love the Miss Fortune Series by Jana DeLeon, because they are more about funny smart women who take on a small town full of mischief. Dee Ernst’s book, Better Off Without Him, spoke to women of a more mature age, who want a little reality served up with their romance. I think this publishing house sees that, and so we are happily accepting their offer:) Stay tuned for what comes next.

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